Get on the presale list for the January launch of NSN Coaching.

On Monday 9th January I'm going to coach a small group of men and women for 6-months to:

- say GOODBYE to diets for good, meaning no more yo-yo progress.

- discover why NOTHING has worked, even though they've tried everything in the past.

- discover THEIR best weight and banish poor body image and body dysmorphia for good.

- build bulletproof habits to deal with stress and conquer emotional eating.

- develop incredible flexibility and self-compassion to bounce back when life happens and gets in the way.

- build an exercise habit that works for THEIR lifestyle, no-one else's. Built for their goals, priorities, schedule and abilities.

- change their thoughts and behaviours from the inside out, to eliminate self-sabotage and all-or-nothing tendencies that have held them back.

- unlock the path towards consistent action and lifelong health, away from strict control, intense workout plans, measuring all their food, taking photos in their underwear and faffing around with measuring tape.

If you want to get first dibs on spots AND receive an incredible 51% off the coaching price (just £97 per month), then sign up to the Pre-Sale list below.

You'll get the chance to sign up on Monday 2nd January (24 hours before the public) and at a discount they won't see. Sign up here: